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Article List

Building a Fusion Reactor (Part 1): The Beginning

Introduction I’ve wanted to create a desktop nuclear fusion reactor, specifically the Farnsworth Fusor, ever since Freshman year when I...

Building a Fusion Reactor (Part 2): Building a Vacuum System

After the preliminary research from the first article, we created our Vacuum Chamber 1.0 on December 15, 2023, at Walter Payton College...

Building a Fusion Reactor (Part 3): Improving the Vacuum Chamber

To test where potential leak sites are and improve our vacuum pressure of 27.5inHg, we used the "Soapy Water Leak Test". This test works...

Building a fusion reactor (part 4): Inertial confinement chamber

Constructing the Inertial Confinement Chamber (IEC) proved to be much more difficult than expected. The IEC essentially works as a cage....

Building a fusion reactor (part 5): transformer arc test

The first major step in creating our high voltage system was making sure our transformer was working safely. To do this, we decided to...

Building a fusion reactor (part 6): Fusor Mark 1 assembly

Preliminary Tests IEC conductivity tests In putting all the components together, we step-by-step tested multiple components in...

Gene Drives: How to Change an Entire Species

How can something as small as your own genes make such a huge impact on our world? Read about CRISPR-Cas9 to find out more...

Gravitational Waves

Many sci-fi movies feature reality-warping, where some fantastical device or ability allows one to bend the space around them. And while...

How do we make decisions?

From blinks to musings on the meaning of life, our neurons provide us the basis of perception, memory, thought, and much more...

Optogenetics: How to Control the brain

How light can map the brain, activate behaviors, and manipulate memories...

Relativistic time dilation

ABSTRACT In this paper, I will demonstrate how the two postulates of Einstein’s special relativity can be used to illustrate the...

The Ship of Theseus: A Thought Paradox

Who am I? What defines me? The Ship of Theseus is a thought paradox that caught many philosophers' attention. This article focuses on some.

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