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Who are we?

We are the SparkX Initiative, a student-led program with the aim of spreading ideas, knowledge, and passion...


We host an open platform where anyone can contribute and explore articles, videos, events, and more. Anyone can share their interests and knowledge on any topic, and discuss it with their readers and fellow authors. We support a community to connect people with various backgrounds, spark conversation, and spark natural curiosity too, together, initiate change inside the future generation.

For who?

Everyone is encouraged to write, read, and explore! Being a Chicago based initiative, we have a focus on inspiring and supporting the hundreds of thousands of Chicago Public Schools students who are not proficient in basic subjects...

Spark Passion

The SparkX Initiative was created to link inquisitive, and passionate minds, trying to spread their excitement for learning to everyone, especially people in need. It's for anyone and everyone, expert or student, to research and write about their academic curiosity, whether it be an idea, an in-depth article, or anything in between. Without ads. For free.

Meet The Team

Tristan Zhu-6764.jpg

Founder and Executive Director


Director of Design and Marketing 

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Director of Editing

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